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Reschedule or Cancel your appointment









Cancellation & Rescheduling Terms


Outside of 48 Hours Notice is required

for cancelling or reschedule

your appointment






*This applies to prepaid appointments, credits, and gift vouchers*








Cancellation within the following time frames is part of cancellation terms.

Please reschedule and change all appointments via the button on this page, and do not email, text, or phone directly for any changes.

Failure to give notice will not be exempt from the cancellation terms.






From 48hrs- 24hrs of your appointment time a 50 % Fee


*Payment in full is required to book your appointment. This fee is non refundable, this is transferable as credit to another appointment time outside of the cancellation terms only*



From 24hrs - 0 hrs of your appointment time up to a 100% fee



You will be sent an invoice for payment to cover any lost appointments




Why not send someone in your place to your appointment!


Avoid any cancellation fees and all you need to do is contact me directly with a minimum of 24 hours notice with the New clients full name, email and mobil number.


*No notice is required for existing customers replacing appointments*






Last minute and Late notice cancelled appointments can not always be filled.

This means this is a lost appointment another could benefit from, a loss of time and income to my small business.


Please take the time to read Body Therapies full cancellation policy.


Booking an appointment with body therapies confirms you fully understand and acknowledge responsibility for all appointments booked and agree to Body Therapies booking policy, terms and procedures.






*Extreme unpredicted circumstances or emergency can not always be predicted*


Only in some instances, at the discretion of Body Therapies part or all of the cancellation fee will be invoiced or this may be waived depending on circumstances.


Your bookings or multiple bookings months in advance are your responsibility to add to your calendar. You receive complimentary email and text reminders.

Please choose your appointment day and time carefully.

If your appointment could potentially clash with work or other unexpected events, please choose another suitable time, as these cancellation reasons will not be exempt from the cancellation terms.








*If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment*


You can reschedule or cancel at any time via the following:




Logging in via your booking confirmation and reminder emails


via Client login Here



Please do not email or text message me directly, send a text message to reschedule or cancel your appointment via SMS for booking reminders.


This is an automated service and is not monitored regularly. So there will be a delay receiving any cancellations.
































If you are unwell and showing any signs of illness prior to your appointment:

first symptoms of cold, flu, or virus fever, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach bugs, coughing, running nose or sneezing, or have been in contact with any type of virus that could potentially be contagious.

This includes being in contact with anyone including family or friends with the same symptoms. You need to reschedule or cancel your appointment.









If you have sustained any injuries, had an accident, are or potentially in shock, serious inflammation, infection/s, tooth ache or possible tooth infection or anything else that could potentially make you feel unwell and may exacerbate your condition. This may be a barrier to massage treatment.


Please do not arrive to your appointment unwell or with an illness or injury that is not diagnosed by your doctor or physician.


Please be in contact with me directly and as soon as possible to discuss this to make sure your treatment can go ahead.








  • On the day cancellations, No Shows or failure to give sufficient notice to change or cancel an appointment could result in up to a 100% cancellation fee.

  • Late arrivals for appointments are charged 100% for full appointment time

  • All appointments run to time, if started earlier than your scheduled time





Massage and holistic healing therapies is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

Please consult the appropriate advice from your general doctor, specialist or physician. 




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